When we talk about war today, we are speaking the language of Clausewitz, whether we know it or not. He is the most influential and perhaps the most profound of military thinkers, but he is often misunderstood. Let's get to know him better.
The great ancient Chinese military theorist, Sun Tzu, is the master of the indirect way of war. His work, The Art of War, still speaks to us today.
The great ancient Greek historian and theorist still has a lot to teach us about war, strategy, and democracy. "The future is likely to resemble the past," Thucydides wrote, claiming that "my work is a possession for all time." Was he right? Join me, and you can decide.
The emperors Vespasian, Titus, Hadrian, and Septimius Severus all had career-defining love affairs outside the elite of Roman Italy. Here are their stories.
The fascinating stories of three Roman emperors and their mothers: Tiberius & Livia, Nero & Agrippina, and Constantine & Saint Helena.
How peaceful was the Roman Peace - the famous PAX ROMANA? Join me in a look at three great emperors and find out.
"Give me back my legions!" cried the Roman Emperor, but it was too late. Rome's crushing defeat at the Teutoburg Forest kept most of Germany permanently free from Roman rule. Here is how it happened.
Let's discover Greece firsthand together this summer on an education vacation that will take us from Athens to Actium via magical Epirus.
Antony, Cleopatra, and Octavian fought for control of the Roman Empire at Actium. We tell the story.
Was it war, crime or a self-inflicted wound? It was, in any case, the greatest battle between Caesar and Pompey, and it took place here, at Pharsalus, Greece, in 48 BC.