Something Special for the Ides Tomorrow...

Posted by Barry Strauss under on March 14, 2016

Friends, Romans, Countrymen! Something very special will be made available for you tomorrow on the Ides of March...

On Sunday, March 13th, Barry was interviewed by Fareed Zakaria on Fareed Zakaria GPS (a CNN program) discussing The Death of Caesar and how the life of Julius Caesar related to the 2016 American Election.

This will made available for the public for one day and one day only! You can stream the podcast from the CNN website or watch the video on iTunes. Here are the download instructions:

VIDEO: People will need to download iTunes (the show is here:, create an Apple ID if they don’t have one already and pay $1.99 to view the full episode.

AUDIO: one can access for free on the CNN’s website:

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Barry Strauss © 2024