As Barry tours the country to discuss The Death of Caesar, the press coverage of the book also continues to pile up. Here are seven more excellent pieces of The Death of Caesar, all published last week:
- "The Death of Caesar: The Story of the World's Most Famous Assassination" - a review from Book Reporter
- "6 myths about the Ides of March and killing Caesar" - an interview with's Phil Edwards, published on
- "Correcting the facts surrounding Caesar's demise" - a column in the Washington Times by Christopher Harper
- "The Death of Caesar by Barry Strauss" - a blog post review on A Common Reader
- "Things Shakespeare Got Wrong About the Ides of March" - a brief column by Barry Strauss published on
- "The Death of Caesar" - an article in Classical Wisdom Weekly discussing Caesar, Augustus and the law of unintended consequences
- The Death of Caesar was featured as the Book of the Week on the show 'Fareed Zakaria GPS' on on Sunday, March 22nd